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Choosing the Right Fishing Rod Holder for Your Center Console Boat

Choosing the Right Fishing Rod Holder for Your Center Console Boat
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Rod holders are incredibly beneficial for anglers. Whether you are trolling or just want to take a quick lunch break, rod holders are a great asset to your center console boat. It helps keep your rods out of the way, and helps keep those onboard safe by not having rods just lying around. Rod holders help eliminate some of the frustrations in fishing to help make your day as enjoyable and stress-free as possible. They help keep things moving while you are onboard, allowing you more time to focus on reeling in the best catch.

Having a rod holder also allows the fisherman to keep their rod in a ready position, so they can quickly and easily react to a bite or a strike. This can be especially helpful when fishing for species that are known for their fast and powerful runs, such as tuna or marlin.

In addition to these practical benefits, rod holders can also help to reduce fatigue and strain on the fisherman's arms and shoulders, especially when they are fishing for long periods of time. This can make the fishing experience more enjoyable and comfortable for the fisherman.

rod holder


There are multiple types of rod holders to help you be able to set up the perfect array of them to enhance your fishing adventure. It is important to know the different types and how they are used to help find the best choice for you and your boat.

Flush Mounted Rod Holders

Flush mounted rod holders are installed in the gunwale of your boat and keep your rods vertical at either 15 or 30 degrees. They are typically made out of high-quality steel to prevent corrosion and damage and can be installed anywhere along the gunwale or transom of your boat. The wide array of options for mounting locations allows the angler to create the perfect set up for whatever kind of fishing they prefer. Flush-mounted rod holders are the most trusted type of rod holders and are convenient since they stay out of the way until you need them and are unlikely to be knocked out of place due to the boat’s motion.

Clamp-On Rod Holders

Clamp-on rod holders are removable and don’t require you to drill directly into your boat. Clamp-on rod holders are often made of aluminum or stainless steel, clamp onto the rail of your boat, and are recommended for casual fishing outings and small game fish. These rod holders are adjustable, so fishermen can position their rods at the ideal angle for casting and reeling in their catch. They can also be easily relocated and removed, making them a great option for anglers.

If you have a t-top, clamp-on rod holders are perfect to keep rods and reels stored out of the way and free up space on the deck. It is important to note that t-top mounted rod holders should only be used for rod storage and are not intended for use while actively fishing or trolling.

t-top rod holder

Multi-Rod Holders

Multi-rod holders are a convenient and space-saving solution for fishermen who want to have multiple rods ready for use at the same time. These holders typically feature multiple rod slots that allow fishermen to secure multiple rods in a single location, rather than having to juggle multiple rods or store them separately. Some multi-rod holders are designed to be mounted to the side of a boat or to a dock, while others are portable and can be carried with you on the water. Many multi-rod holders are also adjustable, allowing fishermen to position their rods at the ideal angle for casting and reeling in their catch. Overall, multi-rod holders are a practical choice for those who want to have multiple fishing rods ready and at the ready while on the water.

five rod holder

Portable Rod Holders

Portable rod holders are devices that are designed to hold fishing rods while they are not in use. They are usually lightweight and easy to carry, making them ideal for use when fishing from a boat or from the shore. Portable rod holders can be made from a variety of materials, including plastic, metal, or composite materials, and are typically designed to be easy to attach and remove from a variety of surfaces, such as a boat deck or the ground. Some portable rod holders are also designed to be adjustable, allowing the user to position the rod at the desired angle. In addition to holding the rod while it is not in use, portable rod holders can also be used to store the rod when it is not needed, such as when the user is traveling or storing the rod for the winter.

Outrigger Holders

Outrigger holders are devices that are used to hold outriggers, which are long poles or tubes that are attached to the sides of a boat and used to extend the boat's stability and increase its capacity for catching fish. Outrigger holders are typically mounted on the boat's gunwales or transom and are designed to hold the outriggers in a fixed position when they are not in use. Outrigger holders can be made from a variety of materials, including aluminum, stainless steel, and composite materials, and are typically designed to be sturdy and able to withstand the stresses of being out on the water. Some outrigger holders are also adjustable, allowing the user to adjust the angle of the outriggers to suit the conditions and the type of fishing they are doing. Outrigger holders are an essential piece of equipment for any boater who intends to fish with outriggers, as they help to keep the outriggers secure and prevent them from bouncing around or getting damaged while the boat is in motion.


There are a few things to consider when choosing the right rod holder for you and your boat.

  • Fresh vs. Saltwater: Depending on what kind of waters you will be taking your boat in, you may need to ensure you are getting a certain material for your rod holders. We recommend treated metal such as stainless steel, marine grade aluminum, or chrome-plated brass or zinc for all rod holders, but especially for rougher waters and saltwater.
  • Fixed vs. Removable: If you have a small boat, we recommend doing removable rod holders to allow you to remove them when they are not in use. However, if you are looking for a more heavy-duty option, then fixed mount rod holders are the way to go to ensure stability and security.
  • Adjustable vs. Non-adjustable: Adjustable rod holders are a great option to be able to tilt, rotate, and lock in at different angles. They can also be mounted on many parts of your boat making them more versatile than non-adjustable. Non-adjustable rod holders are more sturdy, but you have less versatility with them.
  • Capacity: Think about how many rods you will need to hold at the same time and choose a holder that can accommodate your needs.
  • Portability: If you plan on taking your holder with you on the water, consider whether it is portable and easy to transport.

Overall, there are a few key factors to consider when choosing the right fishing rod holder:

  1. Purpose: What will you be using the rod holder for? If you are fishing from a boat, you will need a holder that is specifically designed for use on a boat, such as a flush-mount rod holder or a gunwale rod holder. If you are fishing from the shore, you may want a portable rod holder that can be easily carried and set up on any surface.
  2. Material: Rod holders can be made from a variety of materials, including plastic, metal, and composite materials. Consider the durability and corrosion resistance of the material when making your choice.
  3. Adjustability: Some rod holders are adjustable, allowing you to position the rod at the desired angle. This can be especially useful when fishing in different conditions or for different types of fish.
  4. Capacity: Make sure that the rod holder has enough capacity to hold all of your rods. If you are fishing with multiple rods at once, you may need a holder that can hold multiple rods.
  5. Compatibility: Make sure that the rod holder is compatible with the type of rod and reel that you are using. Some holders may be designed to hold specific types of rods or reels, so it is important to make sure that your gear will fit properly in the holder.

Now that you have an idea of what to look for in a fishing rod holder, check out our rod holder selection!

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